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1959 results found
56 Bottles of White Wine
Quantity Brand Type Year Size 10 Santa Margherita Pinot Grigio 2016 750 ml 2 Mussel Bay Sauv. Blanc 2016 750 ml 7 Bogle Chardonnay 2014 750 ml 3 Rodney Strong Chardonnay 2016 750 ml 1 Rodney Strong Chardonnay 2015 750 ml 1 Santa Julia Chardonnay 2008 750 ml 2 Campanula Pinot Grigio 2015 750 ml 2 Tenuta Di Samaro Puglia red wine 2014 750 ml 1 Contemassi Chianati red wine 2007 750 ml 1 Vecciano Toscana red wine 2013 750 ml 1 DaVinci Chianti 2010 750 ml 1 Collezione Di Paolo Toscana red blend 2015 750 ml 1 Collezione Di Paolo Chianti red wine 2016 750 ml 1 Duca Di Cardino Red wine 2015 750 ml 1 Chateneuf Bordeaux white ? 750 ml 6 Fleur de Mer Rose 2018 750 ml 2 Fleur de Mer Rose 2016 750 ml 2 Nobilo Icon Sauv. Blanc 2016 750 ml 2 Nobilo Sauv. Blanc 2016 750 ml 1 Santa Julia Chardonnay (organic grapes) 2016 750 ml 2 Luna Dei Feldi Santa Margharitia - white 2002 750 ml 2 Rocca delle Marci Dry white 2008 750 ml 1 Goats do Roam Dry white 2003 750 ml 1 Menage a Trois White table wine 2005 750 ml 1 Dark Horse Rose 2017 750 ml 1 Flowers Chardonnay 2008 750ml
70 Bottles of White Wine
Quantity Brand Type Year Size 39 Beringer White Zinfandel - 750ml 5 Beringer White Zinfandel 2012 750ml 5 Folonari Pink Pinot Grigio 2007 750ml 3 Sutter Home White Zinfandel - 1.5L 1 Nobilo Sauv. Blanc 2009 750ml 4 Canei Vino Frizzante Semi-Spark. Rose - 1.5L 2 Sutter Home White Melot - 1.5L 2 Sheldrake Point Dry Rose 2016 750ml 9 Fleur de Mer Rose 2018 750ml
52 Bottles of White Wine
Quantity Brand Type Year Size 7 CK Mondavi Chardonnay 2015 1.5L 1 CK Mondavi Chardonnay 2012 1.5L 8 Mouton Cadet Bordeaux 2014 1.5L 4 Salmon Run Riesling 2015 1.5L 2 Clos du Bois Chardonnay 2015 1.5L 2 Beringer Charonnay - 1.5L 2 Ruffino Orvieto Classico 2011 1.5L 3 Inglenook Chardonnay - 1.5L 1 Koala Blue Chardonnay 2003 1.5L 6 Lindeman's Chardonnay 2018 1.5L 1 ??? Unknown white - 1.5L 1 Estate Cellars Chardonnay - 1.5L 1 Cavit Pinot Grigio 2015 1.5L 1 Monarch / Seneca Ridge Chardonnay - 1.5L 1 Hardy's Nottage Hill Chardonnay 2004 1.5L 1 Folonari Soave White 2006 1.5L 1 Citra Itailian white 2009 1.5L 2 Linvingston Cellars Chardonnay - 1.5L 1 Woodbridge/Mondavi Moscato 2015 1.5L 3 Manischewitz Cream white concord - 1.5L 2 Coastal Ridge Chardonnay 2013 1.5L 1 Black Trail Chardonnay 2004 1.5L
116 Bottles of White Wine
Quantity Brand Type Year Size 8 Schmitt Sohne Riesling / Intense & Fruity 2013 750ml 10 Schmitt Sohne Riesling / Clean & Crisp 2014 750ml 27 Hazlitt 1852 White Stage table wine - 750ml 14 Monkey Bay Chardonnay 2004 750ml 1 Monkey Bay Unknown white ? 750ml 4 Santa Julia Chardonnay (organic grapes) 2016 750 ml 2 Woodbury American Seyval - 750ml 2 Calina Chardonnay 1999 750ml 1 Camelot Sauvignon Blanc ? 750ml 2 Mello Max Chardonnay 2006 750ml 2 Bogle Chardonnay 2014 750ml 1 Folonarni Pink Pinot Grigio 2007 750ml 1 R.H. Phillips Chardonnay 2004 750ml 1 Forest Glenn California white ? 750ml 1 Badabing White table wine 2001 750ml 1 Horny Chardonnay 2004 750ml 11 Royal Bitch Chardonnay 2008 750ml 1 Royal Bitch Merlot 2008 750ml 2 Johnson Estate Chautauqua Blanc 2001 750ml 2 Johnson Estate Concord red 2016 750ml 1 Johnson Estate Ives red 2016 750ml 1 Johnson Estate Liebestropfchen white 2016 750ml 1 Johnson Estate White Ipocras 2005 750ml 3 Johnson Estate White Ipocras / newer label style ? 750ml 16 Canei White wine - 750ml
56 Bottles of White Wine
Quantity Brand Type Year Size 4 Gobelsberger Kamptal 2008 750ml 10 Mussel Bay Sauvignon Blanc 2016 750ml 7 Ca'Vescovo Pinot Grigio 2017 750ml 1 Chateau St Michelle Sauvignon Blanc 2015 750ml 2 Rodney Strong Chardonnay 2016 750ml 2 Collezione Privata Chianti 2010 750 ml 1 Vernaccia Di San Gimignamo Pietrafitta 2008 750ml 2 Toated Head Chardonnay 2015 750ml 1 Starborough Sauvignon Blanc 2016 750ml 2 Notable Chardonnay 2015 750ml 4 Sentiero dei Pini Pinot Gregio 2017 750ml 1 Kay Brothers Shiraz 2004 750ml 1 Warm Lake Pinot Noir 2007 750ml 1 Franciscan Chardonnay 2006 750ml 2 Rocca delle Macie Dry white 2008 750ml 2 Luna Dei Feldi White 2000 750ml 1 Luna Dei Feldi White Santa Margerita 2002 750ml 2 Santa Julia Chardonnay (organic grapes) 2016 750ml 1 Nobilo Sauvignon Blanc 2016 750ml 1 Nobilo Sauvignon Blanc 2009 750ml 1 Contessa Giovanna Manci Pinot Grigio 2017 750ml 1 Bogle Chardonnay 2014 750ml 1 Blue Grove Hill Sauvignon Blanc 2007 750ml 1 Sunday Bay Sauvignon Blanc 2016 750ml 1 Luna Di Luna Pinot Bianco Sauvignon 2000 750ml 1 Berkasteler Badstube Reisling 2011 750ml 1 Martin Ray Chardonnay 2013 750ml 1 Forest Glenn Chardonnay 2004 750ml
71 Bottles of White Wine
Quantity Brand Type Year Size 10 Widmer Lake Niagara Semi-Dry NY White - 750ml 1 Widmer Lake Niagara Semi-Dry NY White - 1.5L 4 Blue Nun German white 2009 750ml 1 Black Tower Rivaner 2009 750ml 7 Johnson Estate Lake Erie Pink Niagara Blush 2009 750ml 8 Johnson Estate Lake Erie Pink Niagara Blush 2014 750ml 4 Johnson Estate Liebestrpfchen 2015 750ml 3 Johnson Estate Chautauqua Blanc 2001 750ml 4 Johnson Estate Vidal Blanc 2014 750ml 6 Johnson Estate White Ipocras / sweet - 750ml 3 Johnson Estate Delaware white table wine 2003 750ml 1 Johnson Estate Concord 2016 750ml 3 Johnson Estate Grape a'Granate - 750ml 3 Johnson Estate Passionate Peach - 750ml 4 Royal Bitch Chardonnay 2008 750ml 1 Royal Bitch Chardonnay 2004 750ml 1 Ecco Domani Pinot Grigio 2016 750ml 1 Hogue Chardonnay 2006 750ml 1 Nobilo Icon Sauvignon Blanc 2015 750ml 1 Forest Glenn California white ? 750ml 1 Mahau Sound Sauvignon Blanc 2016 2 Vendange Chardonnay - 750ml 1 Lazy Lizard Chardonnay 2003 750ml
46 Bottles of White Wine
Quantity Brand Type Year Size 4 Blue Nun German white 2009 750ml 2 Muscle Bay Sauvignon Blanc 2016 750ml 2 Vernaccia Di San Gimignamo Pietrafitta 2008 750ml 1 Vernaccia Di San Gimignamo White 2009 750ml 6 Apothic White Winemakers Blend 2014 750ml 2 Chateau St Michelle Sauvignon Blanc 2015 750ml 1 Notable Chardonnay 2016 750ml 1 Kim Crawford Sauvignon Blanc 2013 750ml 1 Kim Crawford Sauvignon Blanc 2016 750ml 2 Kim Crawford Sauvignon Blanc 2015 750ml 1 Cotes Du Rhone White 2005 750ml 1 Allessandro Gallici Pinot Grigio 2016 750ml 2 Monkey Bay Chardonnay 2004 750ml 1 Monkey Bay Sauvignon Blanc 2016 750ml 2 Nobilo Sauvignon Blanc 2009 750ml 1 Nobilo Sauvignon Blanc 2016 750ml 1 Fetzer Gewurztraiminer 2005 750ml 2 Grand Reserve De Gassac Languedoc White 2017 750ml 1 Luna Dei Feldi White Santa Margerita 2002 750ml 1 Mello Max Chardonnay 2006 750ml 1 Rocca delle Macie Dry white 2008 750ml 1 Le Prince White blend 2016 750ml 1 Badabing White table wine 2001 750ml 1 Villa Farnia di Farnese Pecorino white 2016 750ml 5 Lorrey Ridge Winery Diamond semi-sweet Finger Lakes - 750ml 1 Santa Julia Chardonnay (organic grapes) 2016 750ml 1 One.6 Chardonnay 2003 750ml
58 Bottles of Liqueur
Quantity Brand Type Year Size 24 Absente 110 proof absinth - 100ml 1 Campari Bitter - 750ml 1 Grind Expresso Shot - 750ml 1 Tequilla Rose Strawberry cream Liqueur - 750ml 1 Tequilla Rose Java Cream - 750ml 1 Baja Rosa Strawberry cream Liqueur - 750ml 4 Midori Melon Liqueur - 750ml 2 Dekuyper Washington Apple Burst - 750ml 1 Vandermint Chocolate Liqueur w/ 2 cups set - 750ml 2 Chartreuse Yellow Liqueur - 750ml 1 Chartreuse Green Liqueur - 750ml 1 Wide Eye Mango Chili Liqueur - 750ml 1 Djabel Absinth - 750ml 3 Lemoncello Lemon Liqueur - 750ml 3 Lemoncello Cream Lemon Liqueur - 750ml 1 Nuvo Sparkling Liqueur - 750ml 4 99 Peaches Peach Schnapps Liqueur - Airplane 1 Frappa Chata Coffee + Rum Chata - Airplane 7 Tequilla Rose Cocoa cream - Airplane 8 Tequilla Rose Java Cream - Airplane 8 Tequilla Rose Strawberry cream - Airplane
38 Bottles of Liqueur
Quantity Brand Type Year Size 1 Antica Ricetta Vermouth - 1 L 3 Fernet Bitter - 1 L 1 Francesca Hazelnut Liqueur - 750ml 1 Moet & Chandon Petite Liqueur - 200ml 2 Bols Sloe Gin Liqueur - 1 L 2 Pimm's Blackberry + Elderflower Liqueur - 1 L 2 Pimm's The Original Liqueur - 1 L 1 Kajmir Vanilla (brandy & vodka) - 750ml 1 Trader Vics Macadamia Nut Liqueur - 750ml 2 Wide Eye Pomagranate Spice Liqueur - 750ml 1 Wide Eye Cherry Bomb - 750ml 1 Wide Eye Mango Chili - 750ml 3 PAMA Pomagranate Liqueur - 750ml 1 Rumple Minze Peppermint Schnapps - 750ml 2 Black Haws Blackberry Schnapps - 1 L 3 Romana Sambuca - 1 L 2 Romana Sambuca - 750ml 3 Romana Black Sambuca - 1 L 6 Pellegrino Lemoncello - 750ml
32 Bottles of Irish Cream
Quantity Brand Type Size 7 Merry's Irish Cream 1 L 7 Merry's Irish Cream 750ml 2 Merry's Carmel Cream 750ml 7 McCormick Irish Cream Liqueur 1.75ml 6 Emmets Irish Cream Liqueur 1 L 3 Tia Maria Coffee/Vanilla Liqueur 1 L
30 Bottles of Honey Liqueur
Quantity Brand Type Size 12 Celtic Crossing Irish Honey Liqueur 750ml 1 Teucke & Koenig Honey Liqueur w/ canister 750ml 2 Teucke & Koenig Honey Liqueur 1 L 4 Teucke & Koenig Honey Liqueur 750 ml 11 Bak's Old Krupnik 750 ml
27 Bottles of Cider
Quantity Brand Type Size 27 True Believer Sparkling Apple Cider 750ml
30 Bottles of Hazelnut Liqueur
Quantity Brand Type Size 18 Frangelico Hazelnut Liqueur 1 L 1 Frangelico Hazelnut Liqueur 750ml 1 Frangelico Hazelnut Liqueur 375ml 10 Frangelico Hazelnut Liqueur / Boxed 750ml
42 Bottles of Liqueur
Quantity Brand Type Size 6 Bailey's Irish Cream gift set w/ 2 bowls 750ml 8 Bailey's Irish Cream 750ml 11 Bailey's Irish Cream 1 L 3 Bailey's Irish Cream 375 ml 1 Bailey's Almondmilk Liqueur 750 ml 5 Bailey's Mixed flavors (airplane bottles) Airplane 2 Godiva Chocolate Lequeur 375ml 6 Godiva Chocolate Lequeur / boxed 750ml
26 Bottles of Liqueur
Quantity Brand Type Year Size 9 D.O.M. Benedictine Liqueur 750ml 3 Goldschlager Cinnamon Schnapps 1 L 3 Goldschlager Cinnamon Schnapps 750ml 2 Goldschlager Cinnamon Schnapps 375ml 2 Jagermeister Herbal Liqueur 1.75L 1 After Shock Cinnamon Liqueur ? 6 EFE Turkish Raki 1 L
41 Bottles of Kahlua
Quantity Brand Type Year Size 10 Kahlua Rum + Coffee Liqueur 1 L 6 Kahlua Rum + Coffee Liqueur 750ml 9 Kahlua French Vanilla Liqueur 375ml 7 Kahlua White Russian 1.75L 9 Kahlua Mudslide 1.75L
52 Bottles of Liqueur
Quantity Brand Type Year Size 2 Cointreau Orange Liqueur 1 L 1 Cointreau Orange Liqueur 750ml 2 DeKuyper 03 Orange Liqueur 1 L 4 Drambuie Whiskey blend with honey 375ml 7 Disaronno Amaretto 1 L 13 Disaronno Amaretto 375ml 6 Disaronno Amaretto - Versace Ltd edition 750ml 3 Mathilde Orange XO Cognac 750ml 2 Galliano Liqueur 750ml 1 Metaxa Ouzo 750ml 11 Boutari Ouzo Boutari 750ml
48 Bottles of Whiskey
Quantity Brand Type Year Size 3 Fleischmann's Blended Whiskey 375ml 2 Fleischmann's Blended Whiskey 200ml 18 Jack Daniel's Tennessee Fire 375ml 17 Southern Comfort 80 Proof 375ml 1 Southern Comfort 100 Proof 375ml 7 Jim Beam Red Stag 375ml
12 Bottles of Crown Royal
Quantity Brand Type Size 6 Crown Royal Gift set 750ml + 50ml Apple + 50ml Vanilla 750, 50, 50 5 Crown Royal Noble Collection - Cornerstone Blend 750ml 1 Crown Royal Blended Whiskey 1.75l
34 Bottles of Whiskey
Quantity Brand Type Size 5 Seagram's 7 Blended Whiskey 1.75L 6 Seagram's 7 Blended Whiskey 1 L 3 Shine on Georgia Moon Corn Whiskey 1 L 3 Yukon Jack 100 proof 1.75L 1 Canadian Leaf Whiskey 1.75L 1 Canadian Club Blended Whiskey 1.75L 2 Canadian Club Blended Whiskey Reserve 1.75L 7 Canadian Club Blended Whiskey - Extra Aged 1 L 1 Canadian Club Blended Whiskey - Aged 6 years 1 L 3 Kessler Blended Whiskey 1.75L 2 Philadelphia Blended Whiskey 1.75L
26 Bottles of Crown Royal
Quantity Brand Type Size 2 Crown Royal Black 1 L 3 Crown Royal Vanilla 1 L 6 Crown Royal XO 1 L 6 Crown Royal Apple 1 L 9 Crown Royal Standard Purple box 1 L
33 Bottles of Bourbon
Quantity Brand Type Size 19 Jeremiah Weed Bourbon Liqueur 750 ml 8 Evan Williams Bourbon Whiskey (Kentucky) 1.75 L 1 Evan Williams Bourbon Whiskey (Green label) 1 L 1 Evan Williams Bourbon Extra Aged (Black label) 1 L 4 Evan Williams 1783 Small batch Bourbon 750 ml
16 Bottles of Bourbon
Quantity Brand Type Size 1 Old Forester 86 Proof Bourbon (Blue ring) 1.75 L 1 Old Forester 86 Proof Bourbon (Black ring) 1.75 L 6 Old Forester 100 Proof Signature, first bottled 1 L 2 Old Forester 86 Proof Bourbon 1 L 5 Old Forester 86 Proof Bourbon 750 1 Old Forester 100 Proof Signature, first bottled in Bond 750
18 Bottles of Bourbon/Whiskey
Quantity Brand Type Size 5 W Harper 15 Yr Bourbon (Kentucky) 750 2 Eagle Rare Bourbon (kentucky) 1.75 L 4 Eagle Rare Bourbon (kentucky) 750 1 Bouker's Small Batch 2017-03 (Front pouch batch) 750 1 Bulleit 95 Rye Frontier Whiskey 1 L 1 Bulleit 95 Rye Frontier Whiskey 750 1 Bulleit Bourbon Frontier Whiskey 1 L 2 Bulleit Bourbon Frontier Whiskey 750 1 Bulleit Small Batch 10 year aged 750
16 Bottles of Bourbon/Whiskey
Quantity Brand Type Size 2 George Dickel Rye Whiskey 1 L 4 1910 Hood River Distilling 12 Yrs aged Canadian Rye 750 1 Heaven's Door Rye Whiskey (aged in Vosges oak) 750 1 Heaven's Door Tennessee Bourbon 750 8 New Make Try Box Series Rye (125 proof) 750